When I first saw this my first thought was that club racing will suffer because those Rotax drivers who would like to race S1 but are put off by the cost will stop club racing for the prestige of racing in S1. I still think that this may happen.
I was also suspicious of Rotax's motives, but looking at it now, who knows it might actually encourage people who are undecided about which class to race, to consider Rotax and do a year at Club level to learn how to race Rotax before going into S1. Therefore it might increase Rotax grids at club level, but we will have to see on that one. I just hope more people start in Rotax club racing than leave to go to S1.
A few years ago, everyone was shouting that there were too many classes. The MSA even commisioned G Robinson to review karting and come up with suggestions on how to make karting better for all. They obviously didn't like the solutions proposed because they promptly canned it.
Since then, we have seen Super Cadet, KGP, IAME cadet all go straight into the S1 series, KGP are now targeting Rotax drivers even more with their latest announcement. Where does it end. Oh sorry, we need to get IAME X30 into a national series as well. Shouldnt be a problem, S1 will run any class if it swells their numbers.
I suppose my final question is where do you think karting will be in 10 years time? will MSA karting just be a S1 circus.
I see 1 winner in all this and its not the sport of Karting.