Here's an idea for stopping parts selection in Rotax - don't think it would be too difficult to implement. Just some tight stock controls.
It would require the 'performance critical' parts of the engine within the seal (i.e. rods, pistons and cylinders) to be individually marked with a serial number.
Every time an engine is rebuilt, the parts used in the rebuild are selected at random centrally (by JAG or Rotax) from parts the service centre already has in stock. The parts going into the engine are recorded by JAG/Rotax, as many measurements currently are.
A sample of engines would need to be tested and any sealers found to be building engines without the randomly selected parts have their licenses removed.
Sounds complicated, but in practice would be dead easy - not that unusual in this day and age for stock systems to be able to track individual/unique items of stock. Random selection and recording of parts going into each engine would be recorded online.