A recent survey taken from some drivers who have left the sport across the classes highlighted a number of issues,the main one being "Fired Off" usually turn one at the start and costly damage. The other factor was the MSA and their officials,same offence same meeting different decision, Race stewards last weekends Touring cars "NO Contact" Racing,also 4 wheels off the track will not be tolerated !!! watch it on tv repeats)car taps car in front he re-gains control,rear car given grid penalty,Paul O Niell fired off good style,driver behind kept his foot in O Neill into the barriers,�50,000 worth of damage to car, "Racing Incident" this is what the karters,especially cadets see this is what they watch,monkey see monkey do,simples folks
To stop repeated "illegal" moves whilst racing,why not try Raceivers. These are widely used in Oval and other top class car racing world wide.Each driver has an earpiece,and the Race Director,(MSA CLERK ?)is in contact with every driver throughout their race,and if they wish spectators can listen in whats to hide ?,however the MSA more than likely will not like the idea more responsibility on them to perform better and be more accountable. You are given 1 warning for pushin,rubbing or if more serious immediately sent back to the pits (flags are also still used),in that race,and for the rest of the meeting start 1/2 or 3/4 behind the main pack. It even works when drivers are being overtaken the slower drivers attention is drawn to the fact the leaders are coming through, how often have they got in the way and changed the outcome of a race. Works for us at over 100mph stops all the arguing as well cant say couldn't see the flags due to sunlight etc.. One N .West team owner used to tell his cadets "If you are not in front by the first corner,you better had be by the second or else". Used to drive the same himself.