No axe to grind here as we do not race in any of these classes.
You ask if the Birel engine is sold anywhere else in the world and the answer is yes.
The KGP engine is made by BMB which is owned by Birel. They supply all the engines for Easykart worldwide - except in the UK where they still use the Iame (believe this decision was taken to avoid existing drivers having to chhange engines - so n ot a money making grab by the importer).
KGP is raced in other countries and they have a world final in Italy alongside the Esaykart world finals.
Like the Iame X30 that will be introduced next year, KGP offers an alternative tro customers - the market can decide what they like best. Lots of people seem to think that the Rotax pooled engine class in S1 next year ius a step forward - maybe that has come about in response to this competiotion - maybe good for karting in the longer term.