Not sure what you mean, Sam. Once you have returned your lock to 'dead ahead' (as you leave the corner) there IS no drag on the chassis caused by one wheel gripping. Once you are dead-ahead, there IS no 'diff. action' required as both wheel want to do the same thing.
Take it a stage back. On the straight, both rear wheels are pointing 'dead ahead' and you are travelling 'dead ahead'. That's the point of lowest drag from the rear axle. The 'drag' comes when the rear wheels are pointing at some OTHER angle to the direction you want to travel. That's when you apply (or have applied) some 'lock'.
When in a corner, you can return to that rear-wheel-happy condition by ensuring that the rear wheels are STILL travelling at the angle you need. That has the tail of the kart VERY slightly 'unstuck' and the line drawn by the rear wheels would pass through the tangent of the cornering line (or very nearly so). So, with zero lock in a corner you have zero 'no diff.' drag. THAT'S how to set up the chassis so that you CAN take a corner with zero lock!
Understeer through corner wastes power..... as does oversteer. Get to the middle position and you'll be traveling as fast as those tyres will let you. Most karts simply don't have the power to break the rear grip from spare torque so we CANNOT slide the rear wheels into an ideal rotation speed (unless it's wet of course).