Let's see if others think that 'release' occurs at the START of the corner....... Nik doesn't and he's the only one of us 'qualified' to judge.
Secondly, I am VERY sorry if I didn't precede all my statements with.... 'in my humble, and very likely to be wrong, based on nothing and no experience, opinion..... blah, blah'. Get real, guys......
If I didn't hold my opinions with some solid belief, I wouldn't bother saying them..... it does NOT mean I think I am infallible ALL the time..... just most of it..... (and for the sensitive, that last 4 words are MEANT to be amusing). All you have to do is to SHOW me that I am wrong and I'll accept it.
This isn't a great view, it was the first video I could find of a recent kart. Watch this video:-
What you should notice (in my humble and unworthy opinion, etc.) is that for ALL the corners that last for more than a few degrees, the driver turns in, let's the rear step out, return the steering to 'dead ahead' and then holds the kart with the rear wheels at a tangent to the cornering line for the remainder of the corner..... which is what I gave as my humble and unworthy opinion from the beginning, oh mighty arbiters of grovelling. Is that more the tone that you wanted.....?