As I said, a LONG corner like the 270 degree 'Stadium' Rye House corner shows this whole thing most clearly. The concept of remaining OFF 'dead ahead' before the apex in Stadium is quite ludicrous. Nobody (any good) takes that corner with ANY positive lock. It lasts for a bout 6 seconds and gives the observer plenty of time to see the effect I am discussing.
There are plenty of videos of ProKarts, Junior Rotax, Cadets and historic karts which show this, just go to Youtube. You can see the effect in videos taken from the 'kart behind'. However, I can't find one of a kart with top line tyres and grip that is a 'current' kart and thus I can't prove my 'hypothesis' applies to such karts at the moment.
I originally worked this out watching Terry Fullerton, Mickey Allen and Alan Gates taking Stadium in full 'qualifying trim' round Stadium. The piece that amazed me was that Terry left Black Lines where the outer tyre was slipping and, when Mickey and Alan followed, they laid their lines DIRECTLY OVER TERRY's. However, Terry moved the wheel the least!
I just don't see the point in being all 'humble' about my opinions. Firstly, it would be less fun to write and less fun to read. Secondly, I haven't formulated these thoughts in the last 5 minutes but have had 50 years plus to come to these conclusions. Finally, if someone can show me EVIDENCE that I am plain wrong, I will simply admit my mistake and apologise. I won't lose sleep over people who can't accept an apology when I am wrong!