09 Karter
If I knew which track, I'd tell you.... I know of no reason not to. However, it looks as though RotaxVet didn't want to say and he may have very good reasons of which I, and you, are not aware.
However, what difference does it make? Do you believe that the sort of people who would do that sort of thing only live in one area (wherever it is)? These sort of selfish creatures live all around us... that was one of my points.
Another was that, if we object to ONE form of selfishness (illegal use of track) then we should ALSO object to any other form of such selfishness. How is that so radical???
My position is that I vehemently object to ALL forms of such selfishness... including the illegal use of the tracks... Others seem to be saying that they only object to ONE such example of selfishness. That's weird!