A number of traffic safety reports have shown that the constant in accidents is the 'sense of risk'.
Increasing the safety factors reduces the sense of risk and people tend to drive in such a way that the sense of risk returns to its original level.
eg: if the sense of risk is "Will I die" then one drives to the point where the answer is "possibly". If you increase the survivability of the vehicle, then one will simply drive faster / more erratically until the answer is 'possibly' once again.
There are many ways to change the risk. In Racing for example, the risk is not "Will I die?" but "Is this likely to slow me down so I lose places". The safety features are less about personal survivability and more about "Will I kill /injure others". We would not for example recommend a return to the old tyre-on-edge barriers merely because they were more dangerous.
Where karting may have failed is that we haven't got systems that adequately raise the risk, detecting deliberate contact as against racing incidents is not fool proof. Though some IKR drivers claim that not being able to appeal all the way to a National court, of being subject to an observer's opinion makes a huge difference, but this isn't always acceptable.