Inconsiderate Wa*&^%
The track organisers were also at fault for not telling him where he 'stood'. Obviously, experienced hands know how stupid and dangerous that was but, if he was a beginner, all he was thinking of was how his kart broke.
I hope you went up to him afterwards and politely informed him of the risk and how he had hindered the rest of you. Without that, he'll do it again next time.
Whne I was a 'lad. the track (Rye) was patrolled by Mr Black (a great guy) who told you EXACTLY where you stood and how soon you'd be going home if you did XYZ stupidly again. You soon learned from Mr Black (and that's a great name for an 'enforcer'!). For me, he's dearly missed. Most of my Track Etiquette came via him.
We need more Mr Blacks!