Quite bizarre: 3 meetings doesn't count as proof of anything! David, you have a problem with the concept of 'scepticism': you simply aren't a sceptic! And you should be. This may explain some of your other views....... (Ad Hominem!.... but I am NOT using it to imply those other views invalidate this one))
We have no choice but to give it time and watch the results. I dearly hope that I am wrong about my expectations based on VASTLY more than 3 meetings. Damn it, long before you were born, I was racing karts with DD Le Mans type starts (Run to push start a stationary, non-running kart). There's not I lot I haven't tried in those 50+ years.
F1 restarts are close enough to what we do NOT to dismiss them. The only substantial difference is that our 'acceleration line' is almost in a fixed position. In F1, it's more flexible. That STILL doesn't negate the clear difference between F1 re-starts and initial starts. More accidents occur form a standing start than a rolling start..... period! The reason: because the speed differential between the BEST starting vehicle and the WORST is INCREASED with a standing start.
I still think you (and others) are missing the main point, here. I don't think you have collated your experiences to formulate a solution. The accidents DO NOT occur because the 'start' includes 'shoving'. The accidents (at the first corner) occur when the front karts are BRAKING into the first corner. Where karts are still accelerating into and through that corner, the number of accidents reduces to insignificant. The reason is simple and obvious if you consider what happens. Shunting occurs when the man behind 'misjudges' his braking and uses the back (or side) of the front kart for braking. This can be accidental or totally deliberate. I've done both in my time! Where the karts are STILL accelerating, it is next to IMPOSSIBLE to 'shunt' the front driver simply because the following driver CANNOT 'miss' his braking point and thus CANNOT hit the lead kart (unless he is significantly faster.... which is rare). I know that I am right on this: if so, we can see that HOW you start won't alter the 1st corner accidents. What WILL alter the accidents is to ENFORCE the existing rules of no contact!
The SS is simply a red-herring, and a damned dangerous one at that!
We'll see who's right about the clutch 'arms race'.
I take your point on arguing from both sides: however, it's FAR more 'normal' to precede a contrary point with something like 'on the other hand' or 'however'. Your style made it look as though you were WILDLY confused, because you were arguing from two opposed stand points without marking where you changed from one to the other.