Th only other thing to be aware of is teh difference between trips and splits.
Some Mychron 3's register the number of strips while others register the number of splits. You have to read the screen to find out whether you are setting splits or strips
A split is a split time, so a track with 2 strips has one split, a track with 3 strips has two split times and so on. the instrument will report the whole lap time, then the split times.(eg 43.20/ 21.7 / 21.5 )
Also, it is quite common for the first couple of laps of data to appear to be spurious, you may get a lap without splits which may correspond to sitting time in the grid or simply be, as you suggest the 'rest of the unfinished lap" from the previous session.
It is useful to know where the magnet strips are located because you can relate them to the split times. For example, at Forest Edge I was recording splits but checking would indicate that these were in fact sector 2, sector 3, sector 1.