No doubt all of the readers of this will have received the email from the MSA sending its most �heartfelt sorrow� to the victims of the incident at the Jim Clark Rally. This is a sentiment I�m sure we all agree with. But I wonder how many of you (like me) find that comment somewhat insincere coming from an organisation who seemingly refuse to deal with the most blatant of dangers on the track, namely bad, over aggressive and dangerous driving, which everyone has been a repeated victim of, and are no doubt, now simply resigned to the fact that, no matter how much you complain, nothing will be done. I have seen repeated and ever escalating incidents in park ferme and the paddock of people shouting at and threatening one another for incidents on the track (both children and parents), and it seems a general theme amongst the people I know that the only way of getting justice is by getting even � or getting you own back on the track, which ever compounds the problem. It never fails to amaze me of how may officials are walking round at an MSA meeting, all eager to tell you not to do things (starting your engine in the paddock) (checking you fire extinguisher) and to, so called, enforce a strict policy of health and safety. But no one ever seems to see the real dangerous issues (and why we are all there) the driving! I would invite comments in defence of the MSA from anyone who hasn�t come away from a race meeting wanting to punch somebodies lights out because they have put your son or daughter in unnecessary danger � and guess what, no one ever sees anything (except for the fifty or so people you are standing near at the time)? How long do we all think it will be before a child dies and no one will see it? Would it be a surprise to anyone if a child did die, or would we all say �yeh I could see that coming�? Lets face it, kart racing is a sport dominated by children drivers and the worst of the problems are in the cadets and juniors. I believe karting is, on the whole, a place where caring and attentive parents come to enjoy the sport with their children and no one wants to feel as if there is any more danger than is necessary. But I know, most of the people I know, are very concerned about the ignorance of the MSA, to the very quickly escalating issue of (get you own back) dangerous driving, because there is simply no official justice. Despite the MSAs constant reassurance that they have safety as a first priority, what are they doing to ensure the safety of our children on the track, because if they are doing anything � it�s not obvious! Has anyone ever seen the new penalties handed out, 5 place penalties, disqualification from meeting, driver sent home? If so please let me know because I have never seen it done once? If you can give me an example of the rules being enforced, can you think of ten incidents you have been a victim of where you feel they should have been enforced but weren�t? Can anyone tell me why go pro cameras are good enough as evidence in super one but are not admissible in club racing when they are the biggest deterrent to ramming you could have? I would like to think someone from the MSA could respond to this post in order to clear up some of the issues raised! If not �why not, this is what you are paid for? Or maybe we should all ignore the problem until someone (probably a child) gets killed (corporate man slaughter I think it�s called), but the insurance company will sort all that out so why bother eh! Although I�m sure it�s not going to be said it seems as though the MSA officials at club racing are under the brief to brush as many problems/complaints under the carpet as possible in order to get on with the event and keep the drivers or should I say customers (or even cash cows) coming back to the RAM or be RAMMED MSA events. Lets face it, it�s only going to push up their insurance premium if their own officials start to report incidents more often!