Perhaps you are missing something Chris.
No self respecting Motorsport team looking for a driver would be seen dead in an indoor corporate track.
If they're paying �30.00 to roll around an indoor track, they won't have enough money to go real karting.
There's no money to be made in karting from spectators or sponsors but it is a good place to occasionally find some talent and if you're a team looking for a driver, you don't want to be sat in a dingy trackside cafe drinking coffee from a grubby cup.
You want to be at a well run meeting with people of your own ilk who you can communicate with.
I don't think you can blame teams for the decline of karting, if you took away the teams like some people want to do, you would have nothing.
They obviously fill a market niche, otherwise their awnings would be empty.
You're always going to have shoestring karting and you're always going to have the top end karting, you just choose the one that suits you and let the other do what suits them best.
With the series going global, I think it will be something to watch out for.