There is something else to the story, because the facts as given do not add up.
Most CoC are not going to give a five place penalty for someone being forced off the track.
Most CoC aren't going to give a penalty for going off the track on a first occasion either. The book suggests that it is only a second or subsequent departure from the track that warrants an enquiry.
So it suggests that something else was going on.
Possibly one of: leaving the track for advantage repeated departure from the track repeatedly going over the track edge overtaking in a dangerous manner (eg: a do or die lunge that relied on the other driver moving over, even though he may not have been aware of the other kart)
(yes, I agree that the last of those should have been dealt with under a different category)
Nor is the judgement based on "white lines / kerbing" issue recently discussed(ie one or more wheels over the white line except where there is a kerb) because it is a case of 'leaving the track' (ie, no wheel on the track) unless we are talking a marginal departure where the fourth wheel might have been on a line.
And, as pointed out, this isn't a first offence the driver has racked up a series of non-technical penalties and the MSA warning. Which may suggest that this driver regularly makes contact with other drivers.