right......you say your comments weren't an attack on chris....
...im not sure what part of
''I for one am reading this and finding it disgusting.It seems like chris has spat his dummy out with fulbeck cuz he cant get his own way''
isn't an attack on chris!!!!
you say you don't want to name yourself because you don't want the trouble, but are perfectly happy to attack someone else on an open forum....grow a pair and learn in life that if you say something then you had better be man enough to take the flak afterwards....you cant just attack someone with baseless accusations, without the full facts of the situation.
im not fully up to speed with whats gone on but from what I can see S8 Racing started the attack on an open forum and Chris is defending himself...
...I don't think chris has commented that negatively about fulbeck here...his beef is with Jim...
....so if your talking about things being unfair then I think your on the wrong side here!