1. Clean the brake calliper components with brake cleaner to remove any other oil/fluid/crap 2. Use scotchbrite on the pistons to remove any residue on the piston sides. (Give them a good scrubbing) 3. When you put the pistons back in to the calliper, smear red rubber grease around the pistons (I have some if you need?) 4. Re-assemble calliper and fit to kart 5. Connect hoses to calliper (Careful not to stress the calliper body too much 2x 12mm spanners) 6. Replace/fit brake pads 7. Fit bleed tower 8. Take off master cylinder caps 9. Open bleed tower valve and watch master cylinders fill to � full 10. Close bleed tower valve 11. Fit master cylinder cap 12. Open bleed tower valve 13. Gently operate brake pedal watching for air coming up the feed pipe of the bleed tower. Continue until all air has gone. 14. Fit a short piece 250mm fuel pipe to bleed nipple. This helps you see the bubbles and also stops fluid spilling everywhere. 15. Undo bleed nipple and bleed brakes until no air is seen in the fuel pipe. Bend the fuel pipe upwards so the air collects at the top of the curve 16. Close bleed nipple 17. Close bleed tower valve 18. Remove tower and fit bleed plug 19. Repeat on other side 20. Clean thoroughly the areas around the master cylinder and calliper for excess brake fluid with brake cleaner and throw away all rags. 21. Place kart on floor 22. Remove master cylinder caps (Both) 23. Person 1 lifts back of kart to waist height 24. Person 2 gently operates brake pedal. You will see 4 of 5 little bubbles. Keep going until bubbles cease 25. Replace master cylinder caps 26. Put kart back on trolley 27. Aggressively operate the brake pedal to bring the pads to bear on the disc and operate the auto adjust system 28. Check brakes function 29. Check bar connecting the 2 pistons going in to the master cylinder to the pedal bar moves smoothly and does not twist during operation 30. If one side move less that the other then air still resides in this system side.