"why are we over complicating it?"
We aren't. The rules themselves lead to complications.
1) The leader has to slow down to a speed about the same as many people leave the dummy grid. A 50% drop in speed at Clay Pigeon is about 17-18 seconds, the average lap at Clay for the leaders being around 34 to 36 second, the average rolling lap being about 40 to 45 seconds
2) Those with distance to make up will have to hurry up and then slow down, but hurrying up will incur the CoC's displeasure. At the back, slowing down may put one travelling slower than the leader's pace.
3) This assumes that everyone knows their position on the grid. In wet weather at Clay we usually start overhauling the back markers in 3 to 5 laps. The drivers then have no clue who the leader is. Is the kart who passed you in a flash of spray the leader or just someone fast who fell off? Is the kart ahead a back marker who should fall to the back of the pack (or drive through the pack, unlikely in poor weather) or someone you should not overtake because they are actually the next kart ahead of the last kart you overtook?