".....ive done all i NEED for him to go faster....".
And this is the start of your racing? You have some nasty shocks to come, old son!
I wish you all the luck in the world and I hope you have the great sort of time my son and I had together, racing.
If you think an extra �300 spent on driver training won't give a better improvement in lap times than a paint job....
As I have said before, it's your right to spend your money as you want. I just suspect that, when the bills start coming in, you'll wonder if I might have been right, after all.
If you think about what I have said, you MIGHT notice I have been trying to HELP you make good decisions and SAVE YOUR MONEY! As before, it's your choice to accept or reject my advice.
Did I ever spend money on a helmet paint job...? Yes: once in the 1970s..... and it was a total waste of money, period! Particularly so when that helmet was written of doing its job within the first year!
If you absolutely MUST have the paint job, why not look into a decent 'wrap'. Some are available cheaply. Personally, the design I always fancied was round 'stickers' of the crash-test-dummies design on each side of the helmet: cheap, distinctive and appropriate for my racing!
As I said, best wishes to both of you.... and your wallet!