precisely, the brakes were banned, he disappeared; that year (1981) lee cranmer won the british junior championship at rye house . being the only one using them he strolled it, removing all the artistry that such as grice and the incredible jackie brown had used to win it before. now i havent been around the scene for about a decade but i understand theyre now used at the top level? world champs? a senna da silva would turn in his grave; his favourite racing was in a basic dap/dap direct drive 100; very light, no rev limiter,balance shaft,power valves, big backfiring carb ad nauseum. for me its a tragedy that it just took alan too long to bore out the BT82 and offer it in TAG form, TKM losing so much momentum. i do like the easykart though from what ive seen.looks a great proposition