When silicon fluid first came out, one of the advantages they suggested was that it was compatible with old brake fluids and could be mixed.
Well, as you do I bought some. I put some in a jar and sealed it and put some glycol and silicon in a jar and sealed it.
Now more than 30 years later the silicon has separated into two layers but is still liquid.
The two mixed fluids have congealed.
Not many people will leave brake fluid in for that long but you see what I mean.
With OTK brakes they recommend silicon fluid and it does give a little more 'feel' to the pedal because silicon fluid is about twice as 'compressible' as normal fluid.
Because the OTK system has one less flexible lever because of the way it operates the master cylinders, silicon appears to give a slightly softer pedal.
We're not dealing with F1 cars or trying to bring a 40 ton lorry to a stop so there's no need to worry too much, whichever fluid you use, you'll stop.
They don't seem to recommend silicon for race cars and they change the brake fluid at every event.