I love that. How is it that you can 'know' that a neck braces save lives but the MSA still doesn't believe it (well, the last time I looked they didn't)?
Yes, your lad may well have been wearing a neck brace when he had an accident and got though it just fine. In my time (others will tell you......) I was over on my head quite a few times (too many) including one at Snetterton, going flat our into Coram when the kart flipped more than once. On each occasion, I walked away from the scene just like your lad. However, I was NOT wearing a neck brace. How is it your accident 'proves' the value of neck braces but my multiple accidents without a neck brace 'prove' nothing?
If there was CLEAR evidence that they worked well for karters, why is it that the MSA do NOT yet recommend them? (If the MSA has changed it's mind since I last checked, I apologise). The MSA have NEVER been averse to getting people to spend extra money for additional safety: why do you think they are holding out on this subject?