That's the problem. There doesn't seem to be a correlation between the number of injuries and the wearing of a neck brace.
Motor cyclists riding position is significantly diferent fropm our. Firstly, they 'fall' off the bike whereas we hardly get any height in our accidents. Yes, you CAN be 'flicked upward' on a kart.... but you could also be flicked up further still on a dirt bike. We drive with our head at the rear of the kart, MNotorcyclists ride 'head first.
If neck braces work 'so' well on dirt bikes and you can 'transfer' that data to karting.... why doesn't it transfer to Road Race motorcyclists...? They don't wear neck braces no matter how much they are liked on dirt bikes.
All we are saying is that there is insufficient evidence either way, yet! It's up to YOU to decide. Just don't think that the 'right' answer is as simple as it first appears!