Well.... ( I know this sounds pompous but....) I usually give out a 'public email' address that I rarely get time to see. That's :-
ianturner0 @ hotmail com
That's a zero in the middle and I've broken it up to make it harder for it to be copied by 'naughty software'.
However, I'd much prefer to answer any karting or techy questions on this forum as it's not only you who can benefit from..... or laugh at.... my 'advice'.
Please remember, I am no karting god! Just very old and jaundiced about fashionable 'advice'! I was a pretty crap driver and probably a worse mechanic. Someone who knew me when I was racing, here, described my racing as fast but frequently scary..... too frequently ending in the barriers or upside down! I think he got spot-on!
So, unless it's something embarrassingly personal (and you should thus see a doctor instead) I'd rather you asked your question here.