Your success is simple (as you are!). You chose to work with Apples knowing that they are useless and won't work in business but the poor s*ds who buy them IMAGINE that they are a computer and will work.
Having spent yet another 2 days trying to make (this time) Apple Mail, Word Press and GoDaddy work together (my client's choice, not mine) I can see how you make so much money. A job that would have cost my client about 10 mins of my time on a Windows PC just cost the client 2 days. Perhaps I ought to change to Apples..... talk about money old rope!
On a funnier side of this case: I spoke to one of the 'technical advisers' (now there's a joke) (I won't say from which team) and he said:
'Yes, I've dealt with this same problem with Apples about 5 times before and I know the things to do to make it work. Oh yes, I've had a 100% failure rate on this problem!'
When I mildly said.... "errrr, don't you mean 100% *success* rate?....."
He replied:-
" No, I've never managed to make a single Apple work with this problem...... I'd just like to use your case to have another go........."
My client was not impressed as she was in the room for the conversation!
There's Apple in a nutshell!!!!
For the money it cost her, I could have sold her a PC and set it all up and made it work. The Apple still doesn't work so I have made a 'bodge fix' re-targeting all the emails which Apple mail can't process!
Perhaps you can help with the last problem (last? Ha ha ha!).... I can make the Apple Mail add a 'return to' address once or attack the system via 'Terminal' and force it to do it repeatedly.... but, I can't make it change the 'From' address. We even created a fake new email account with the 'From' address as required but it still won't work..... How do I fix the 'From' problem?
Kind regards
Ian (you old fool!)