interesting alternative angle on team mercedes/hamilton debacle from my f1 mad brother in law; not a hamilton, he LOVES F1; I other the hand am a closet hamilton fan with little time for current f1; he saysNO WAY would a true great (Senna,Schumacher,mansell,keke,jonesy,lauda etc) remotely have considered coming in at that stage of THAT race at THAT venue and just had to coast to the finish. he must have been tasting the champagne on those last few laps and NO WAY would anyone have got by; the afforementioned would have ignored team orders, whatever they may have been hollering and just held his line for an easy win. rarely, for once i have to agree; he says the lad cant think for himswlf, always has to ask the team; another perspective; hes still a bit insecure (?)