Here are a few thoughts:
1) It is not for the ABkC to determine who represents the BKDA - that's for the BKDA to decide. ARR: I agree with quite a lot of your views, but we probably disagree in that the BKDA needs to have at least one rule about who represents the Drivers (to be chosen by the members!!)
2) In terms of "bringing the sport into disrepute", now let's see how many clubs could achieve these standards: (i) The club should consult its members so the views of its members are expressed on any material points to be discussed at ABkC Steering Committees, AGM's, etc; (ii) the club actively promotes attendance at club AGM's, distributing agenda items in advance, sharing key documents such as the Club's Rules / Constitution (as required by the MSA), making provision for voting in absence (and for junior members); advising the Members of any conflicts of interest that anyone seeking office might have
The only thing that binds the current MSA drivers are (i) the rules; and (ii) the ABkC Steering Committee. If the BKDA wants to have its voice heard, then it needs to start ensuring that Club Committees represent the Club members - a point which is a founding principle of the MSA Club structure.
PS I expect some people might say "Karters can't be bothered attending AGM's" - Clubs should test this suggestion by making sensible arrangements to allow the Clubs' Members to cast their votes.