I think its up to individuals choice. we shouldn't push for it to be mandatory as unlike the hans device you are not restrained in a kart so the whipping of ones head is spread out more. Nor are karter falling to the ground from 40ft in the air like in motocross.
why add extra complication. I wouldn't ban them or make them compulsary as while they may help in some ways they won't in others. so leave it how it is. let the competitors decide they are intelligent enough.
SJTKart76 -
a person can only campaign for what they believe in. Which is why the BKDA has no committee or rep. as how could I sit infront of the MSA and be passionate about neck braces when i don't think they do much - its just not going to work, so it has to me more dynamic than whats been tried in the past when communicating with the ABKC and MSA. They have to come to us, or we go to them and place the evidence you have gathered on their Facebook page or hand deliver it to Colnbrook with a nice photo we can upload onto our BKDA Facebook page to show you guys have delivered it. If they don't act it makes them pointless. if they become pointless or show no interaction they become irrelevant.
if this is something your passionate about go to the MSA under the BKDA name and campaign for the research to be done. You will get a lot further than having 1 person doing it. :-) you can do a poll on the BKDA and canvas opinion etc, use it that way. you have to get the support though and give rational reason.
(((( I gave the ABKC and MSA the opportunity to hold the O plate for X30 they didn't take it so i did a 0 plate through the bkda instead as the drivers involved supported it and funded part of it themselves. I showed support for the yellow number plates in snr x30 and gave counter arguments when rules were placed infront of me, and they changed them.))))
Show them theres enough support for research to be done. if they don't do it. we find a way of getting it done.