Anyone paying �10,000 for an engine is a MUG.
I can't see any reason not to be able to replicate the performance of a 'super' engine by either carb, exhaust, settings or driver.
Considering that the combustion process is happening about 200 times a second at 12,000, any small variation in the carb setting or exhaust, is going to make much more difference to the performance that any minute difference in the engineering tolerance of what is a watch mechanism in its precision.
Unlike Honda and Rotax, but agriculture comes to mind there
Instead of wasting your money on engines, try the ancillaries, which are much more variable.
I always assumed that karting was about drivers racing each other, rather that racing engines against each other.
Why not save some time and money and just get the engine builders to d'yno your engines and compare graphs. Best graph wins.
Yah! I've just invented
Sim Engine Racing.
How Utterly Boring.