There are two problems with the system,
firstly any penalty will be unfair to someone, secondly, there is no way to weed out the false positives. The idea was to stop deliberate contact, but doesn't differentiate between deliberate and accidental contact (eg: the kart in front has a problem and suddenly decelerates in the acceleration zone.)
Of course, as teh deliberate contact is weeded out, then the rules cane be changed so that accidents can be considered. (eg: the decelerating driver admitted he had a problem, but the clerks weren't allowed to consider it.)
Incidentally, I understand why this 'fixed penalty' is being implemented, there are just too many incidents for the clerks / stewards to even begin to investigate every one, they ran out of space to display the penalty notices. But one hopes that when contact becomes less frequent, the procedure may be modified.
Noticeable though that some people are already using a brake test to shake off any potential pursuit during the rolling lap, dropping back to give themselves a 'run' on the karts ahead and a quick dab before accelerating to force the karts behind to avoid them.
Will we see the starters picking up this sort of behaviour more strictly in future?