>>>>>>>>>>Tal-ko cared and listened and look. Imagine if everyone listened.
I know, we run TKM Extreme in S1 ;-) No pretensions of going car racing, we just want to have fun at a National level.
So yes there is someone who cares for the average Joe, you can still race on a dirt cheap 2nd hand motor.
Seems to me there is a good choice out there. TKM/Rotax if you don't want to change, OK/X30 if you want to move on. Clearly if TKM and Rotax grids are falling and the new ones growing not as many people agree with you as disagree. :-) It may be you'll have to travel further if clubs switch across to the later engines, but that's something to sort out with your local club. They're going to run what the drivers want to race.
I think the balance is about right. You can stay in the current class if you want to, or you can try pastures new. I think it would be a travesty if the MSA stopped people trying new engines. also, it's only by drivers racing the new motors that they come into the 2nd hand market and into the range of the likes of you and me.