The stock is TOXIC in the karting world, engines are dubious in the fact one lot 40 I think cannot be used in the UK as also the chassis .The chassis are Wright Supercadets and the engines are FKS spec not a standard item from IAME.Are all the other IAME engines UK Spec and stamped ?? The alleged origional reason round 2 could not go ahead at GYG was supposed to be the condition and shortage of good FKS IAME engines to use in cadet and Junior. The chassis are 2014 Wrights with the greatest of respect to Simon Wright dont think they are worth the same on the 2nd hand Market as an OTK and there are more people selling up or keeping what they have than starting out in Karting.? Loads of carbs,pipes ignitions ,wheels,tyres, etc all listed seperately but should come with relevant engines/karts. The "Trailer /Grandstand" is still "missing" ,a theft of 7 karts by a blue transit van from a lorry parked 5 mins away from where assets located 'Bicester News' Oxon a couple of weeks ago and all 60 Awnings allegedly were on/not on hire still doubts on these, and cannot be as yet included in assets,,and it is doubtful an Italian manufacturer(IP) would "lease" �100,000 worth of Praga type Senior karts to anyone especially as FKS put themselves up as UK Agent ,so where are they really ,not back in Italy i'll bet,' Some people did pay the full package so have they had their karts back or are they going to come out of the woodwork claiming stuff back thats down as assets ?.
One bidder at �30,000 was speculatively testing the water for possible markets in small lots if he was sucessful ,but then you have the problem of Consumer rights !! on Ebay/Gumtree/UKKtg Market Place etc type outlets also it would reduce the sales of new if you were a distributor/kartshop,but now erything is in the melting pot again especially if the figure "Smithers" is quoting is the real expected amount. "The creditors wish to raise money through the assets to fund trying to find the missing assets " ???. There is even a Mr Hoy lised as a creditor ?,have family members been sucked in as well .