Come on get a grip. For starters unless you are earning a taxable income from the sport you are in, then you are not classed as a professional. I'd love to see your GP's face when you walked in his room with little 'Johnny' 8 years old as you call him a professional.
Sorry just a little ramble as people forget karting is a amature sport and some people think they are some sort of super star.
The MSA would never go to the extent of drugs test as it would cost to much.
Who remembers the picture of Micheal Shumacher having a spliff with his brother after winning a world title years ago in the papers?
Well the FIA did nothing about it, therefore I doubt the MSA would police this rule at 'grass routes' motorsport.
The MSA would not even entertain adhering this rule, could you imagine the court cost fees they would have to fork out for a prossicution.