I�ve been in the world of karting for several years and it�s still a fun thing to do with my lad, not a road to motorsport greatness, although we still try our best! Over the years we�ve made some really good second hand purchases from some great people and this has certainly kept us on a sensible budget.
However my current grudge is the trend to fold tyres. We brought a couple of sets recently, for use in an unlimited tyre class, so not our normal tyre and both sets (from different sellers) came folded to within an inch of their lives! Oddly the pictures showed them nicely stacked.
This is not a good way to store tyres, is not good for them, stresses the carcass and I doubt people would store their own tyre like that, if they intended racing on them again, themselves! To me it ranks with ebay sellers who�s total description reads �Condition as in photos� usually accompanied with rubbish photo�s that don�t really show the area you want to see.
Anyway rant over. I was just having a rest from unfolding these dam tyres!