We have six shows scheduled before the start of the season, (john Hoyle, Ken Potter CoC, Nigel Edwards Chairman of ABkC with (hopefully) Paul Fletcher, then Me and Jake looking at EVERY entry in Super 1 in each class and the ones to watch..... but.... having just spent thousands on a new dedicated vision mixer to prevent what happened in the first show happening again (failing to record).... I am hoping to get some sponsorship support to fund a regular kart show throughout the year, which is likely to feature a lot more club based material. Bear in mind for those of you mentioning more about club racing, I asked for news from clubs to include in the first show about what they are doing.....and got....precisely none!
We will almost certainly be doing a series of tests at club kart meetings as a livestream event locally (Hooton Park probably one as it is the nearest to us, maybe another somewhere) to test the system in that environment, probably 2/3 cameras with live commentary of the finals. We also need to test if we can get the drone via hdmi as a live feed into the switcher. Should be possible if we keep the drone reasonable still and just follow the action as a crane type shot.
The minibikes series wants to do that for every round this year, and they have no club meetings at which to do a test, so kart meetings the best option to test everything works, and ultimately, livestreaming karting events I believe might be possible as an alternative to TV coverage for club events.
I have also just done a successful YouTube livestream test, so the next shows are likely to be on YouTube Live rather than facebook, as the channel has over 3500 subscribers worldwide.