fusion spent alot of time testing the new tyre and developing the chassis last year with harry thompson, i would imagine it is going to be hard to judge which is best until we get some dry weather and a consistant track to back to back pressures etc on. Ultimately the new chassis wont be slower, and unless your racing in super 1 it won't make any difference to your club racing. Synergy was a better a chassis in the summer compared to zip but only marginally and the zip was better in the wet/damp conditions. The best drivers are on synergy and the title will go to fusion again this year so would imagine it will be the preferred go to chassis. Unless Dan Parker can challenge there is no one in the paddock to break the fusion grip on the super 1 title and chassis market. Have to see how strawberry develop the tony kart with there team, but without a full time proffessional team in the paddock cadet racing is going to get boring again.