People generally spout figures about corporate circuits but there are quite often bits missing.
There is the overhead cost. For a Circuit like Buckmore to simply be there without opening the gates you are probably talking �3-5k. You have to allow for the depreciation of any fleet or Circuit upgrades and the cost of any loans to provide these.
Then you take into account the operational costs of running a meeting. It costs less for owner driver meetings, as there is no damage done to your hire fleet as they are not operational.
Based on an entry fee of �50 clubs breakeven is between 80 and 100 karts, depending on what the Circuit is charging for the track time. At �4K rental (where the Circuit is not having to pay anything for marshals, mechanics or damage to Kart�s) it is not bad income - quite easy really.
If the Circuit is able to run evening corporate races along side the MSA weekend the �loss� is minimal.
The trouble is everyone talks about loss of turnover. The loss in profits is actually considerably less. And when you take into account the number of owner drivers that own their own businesses, are you losing potentional corporate business because you are driving owner drivers to other circuits.
You are probably only talking a real loss of profits of �50-60k pa and not the �500k + being shouted about that you may well gain in other areas anyway.