On a more modest (real world) scale than Paul Fletcher, my sense has always been that Lydd�s owner James Clarke has had the same motivation for buying and investing in Lydd Circuit: love of the sport. I used to go (and also race) there regularly; a brilliant track to drive indeed. And that�s before the track resurface and all the other improvements. Sadly, in that respect, I now live too far away.
Five years and more ago, the race grids looked pretty good to me. The atmosphere and attitude to practice-day and racing customers was great. I cannot believe that would have changed one little bit. So, if there�s been a decline, I can only imagine it�s in keeping with market trends. Based on my experience then, this place �deserves� to thrive.
Of course, as Alan says, being stuck at one corner of the country isn�t ideal, although, in our case, it helped greatly to attract drivers from the continent to race there with us :).