Richy - I'm wracking my brains and I seem to remember being told by a very well informed and prominent UK scrutineer that the introduction of the ROK engine to S1 was allegedly blocked by the MSA under instruction by the ABKC........ it apparently royally upset Mr Hoyle and was one of the several nails in the coffin which lead to the split between S1 and the MSA.
Considering the UXB (Un-exbloded-bomb) reliability nature of the X30, the Vortex based ROK motor seemed a good shout to me.
But I can fully understand the 3 year a club level logic thing, as karting is already quite saturated. Unfortunatley its saturated with the some terrible engines, Rotax appears to have sorted itself out really well, but IAME seem to be a money-pit of unreliability.
But what the hell do I know!