"However, as soon as it is caught up by a kart which is either temporarily or constantly faster, the driver shall give the other vehicle the right of way."
Yes, quite correct, though definining what "right of way" is, is more difficult
I would interpeet that as meaning that if a driver is up the inside and is quicker, then it is THEIR right of way, but doesn't mean yield the position
A few reasons for this:
1. Karts don't have wing mirrors, so there is no definate way of knowing accurately how close another driver is when behind, only when they go to overtake and they are by your side do you know exactly how close they are to your kart 2. If the rule applies as you seem to imply, then surely blue flags would be deployed
Then you have the terms "premature" and "abnormal" thrown into the mix later in the rule, both very subjective terms
Ultimately, I doubt you'll find one clerk in the country who will penalise a driver for defensive driving, provided that such driving does not become dangerous