Paul. Welcome to you and your sons, don't give up!!!!!! I started my son in a Honda cadet on a wet practice day at RYE, they didn't session the practice days so he at 10 years old was out with Rotax Max's and a few gearbox karts, I had my heart in my hands all day. 4 years on and if I was to tell he couldn't race I would have a riot on my hands!!!! Don't give up, as others have said, if you can try a midd week test, the track will be quiter and not sessioned so your sons will get more 'bum in seat' time. RYE has the LONDON CUP coming up in Oct so you will find some people will be testing for this but that is no excuss for the way they treated you or your sons. RYE is our home track and my son races Minimax if we can be of any help please let me know, or come and have a chat, we will be at RYE racing in the next club meeting minimax #43.