completely agree with minisueg's post and also absolutely endorse itpro's last post
neil.knowing the results of your comments this year would you do/say exactly the same again or maybe be more diplomatic in fututre? by the way,thats in no way a critisism of anything you have said in the past.i have done and said similar things myself in the past
when i was younger(and far too mouthy)i gave everyone a good piece of....honesty(in my profession).unfortunately the area i work in is very insulated and i burned a lot of briges that at the time i didnt realise i was burning.there are things i know now that i will never be able to do and all for the sake of being mouthy.i realise now that gobbing off gets NO results whaysoever and that being a bit more diplomatic garners much better results.if only i had realised that when i was younger! :)