I have to say that is one of the best and coherent threads I've read for a very long time.
I am patiently waiting/hoping for some innovative ideas/proposals ahead of the 2009 S1 season - in line with the comments made by the CoC at Shenington when he said 'we've learned lessons from Clay and these will be applied...'
I've asked this before but what lessons, what will be applied, when and do we get a 'vote' on them????
This thread was/is titled 'venues for next years S1' and while I'm delighted the MSA 'brigade' know theirs even if they're still trying to work out why the number of rounds has increased (?), I'd still like to know the venues for Rotax please.
I do think that we're in danger of saturating the market when you look at S1, Stars, Stars International not to mention Euromax which I have to say is organised and run brilliantly and has far LESS CARNAGE than S1 or your 'average' UK club meeting but has greater quality if not necessarily strength in depth.
fewer rounds NOT more! more heats starting earier on the Saturday. Logic is it takes the rogue heat out of the equation and 'rewards' consistency. It also means we finish all races and people get home at a reasonable/sensisble time change of format to parallel Euro series pre-qualifying so we get a maximum grid competing for the 'premier' championship fewer rounds might allow and end of season one-off. champion of champions ran once and that was 3 years ago but there must be enough interest from motorsport at large/sponsors particularly oin the back of the 'hamilton' effect to devleop this
in golf and tennis they have the annual shoot-out based on performance over the year - why not do the same.
the point is it's not necessarily all about the way we do it in the future although clearly that IS important. It starts with developing those ideas, getting consensus which I appreciate in karting is (almost) impossible to please everyone all of the time and listening to what the shareholders want/are saying.
If all of this is in hand and changes are afoot then great but as people say, in a world where we have to be more discerning about what we spend our money on, there will a come a point where people will vote with their feet/wallets.
Oh - and regarding the logic that 5 out of 7 rounds means you don't have to do all of them then that's absolutely right except if you're 'in it to win it' then why wouldsn't you do all the rounds to maximise your chances and therefore it will cost more at a time when very few can afford it.
Why stick at 5, why not 6 out of 8, 7 out of 9 or n out of n+2 (JOKE!)
It should be about QUALITY and NOT QUANTITY.
and we've not even address poor driving and technical 'infringements!'