I would be the first to admit, that as alan has previously suggested, that I have a bit of a "thing" about sticking to the rules. Even if there were no disadvantages to corner cutting, I would still oppose it on principle. However the disadvantages are large and many: Damage to the underside of the chassis/floortray/nosecone/disc/sprocket/seat/engine mount, the de-skilling of the sport when a corner that would need skilfull braking and setting up for becomes a no lift flat out bounce across the kerbs, and the hassle/expense/weight penalty of having to fit things like disc protectors that should not be necessary. If a track were marked out on a huge expanse of tarmac by just painting the inner & outer edges with a white line, the drivers would finish up cutting the corners to the point where they could drive the whole circuit on full throttle and lapping those like me who stuck to the proper shape 3 times per race. I expect the organisers to protect me from this by upholding the rules. This is no different. If I wanted to bounce over bumps I would take up rallycross.