Alan, you already made that last point with the bail of hay in the hackney carriage example! The statute was repealed only recently but I'm sure hay straw has travelled in luxury for years!
Any law in the land is designed to protect a certain perceived majority view (the one that shouts louder usually, or even worse: has a financial interest to protect); however when applied and tested in practice some laws do find themselves "wanting" and are subsequently repealed, particularly once the original majority becomes Ian (oops, I meant minority)!
On the subject of kerb riders (we were talking about these weren't we?) what I don't understand in all this saga is: why didn't the MSA THINK properly about this one and rather than make us attach useless PLASTIC to the bottom chassis and effectively condemn us to a permanent spending spree, why not instead force the manufactures to change the brake design so that disks don't protrude beneath the chassis?
That sounds to me more like a proper and permanent solution to a problem that most of us weren't aware existed in the first place anyway isn't it!