Can I open this up for discussion on a technical level without everyone getting hot under the collar.
First of all where can I find the actual ruling as I cannot find anywhere?
The problem with discs that protrude below the bottom of the chassis is that as soon as the left rear wheel leaves edge of the circuit, be it apex or exit, the disc bottoms out. A classic case of this can be seen at Rye house on the exit of the corner leading on to the main straight. You can clearly see the gouges caused caused by the disc contact.
The TKM solution only goes half way to solving this problem because if only the wheel leaves the edge the circuit everything is fine, but once the protector goes over the edge the disc still bottoms out. Any protection should be in front of, and slightly inboard of the disc to overcome this. I always fit the two piece plastic collars on both ends of the cross rail behind the seat which protects the disc, sprocket and chassis. Very cheap, very simple, but will it be allowed?