erm neal,im afraid this defensive stance does you no credit whatsoever mate
firstly you say that you dont take anything personally but in your last post you said that volunteers(i presume you mean like yourself because no one else has taken offence)get a kick in the teth from me!
secondly.what ill informed statements have i made? i have mearely pointed out and praised clay for their initiatives and pointed out that other clubs might do well to take on board what they have done as well as rye house and forset edge.i HAVE said that tkm grids and more tellingly rotax grids are down at three sisters but have conceeded that there being too many clubs in the north west could be having an am i making ill informed statements????
im also not after a utopia just trying to jolt some clubs,their boards and its members out of a lethargy.last year and this i havent belonged to any club in particular as ive travelled around a fair bit(in a effort to improve myself as a driver). i have met some great people and thoroughly enjoyed myself, but at the same time ive taken clubs up on THEIR initiatives and in so doing i have given them my support and my money
whilst on my travels i have ALWAYS made an effort to help out other novices and done my best to help others.can i do more...probably but its a shame your trying to turn this against me and not listening to the message which is unfortunate and may i add is something i have heard quite a few others(although not myself)say is a problem mbkc has always had.enough of mbkc though...its not all about you!