Having just spend some Birthday money on Jet Tech Max software I'm struggling to set a few of the parameters. Any help on the following would be greatly appreciated: Float Height: My float arms are set to 3mm measured to the underside (with the carb upside down and the gasket removed, as John's Jetting article). The software has a default setting of 6mm and, I understand measures to the top of the arms, is that right? Pressure: I bought a cheapish weather station, but have now realised that it only tells me relative pressure, not absolute pressure. I believe relative pressure is the pressure at sea level, so if I know the altitide I'm at can I work it back, right? Is there anyway of calibrating this with Jet tech of do I have to do a conversion every time? Is this an accurate way of doing it or am I better getting a new weatherstation? Cheers, Paul