Hi guys, i've been reading loads of the old posts on onboard cameras for karts and had a few questions before i go and buy anything.
- Those of you with helmet mounted cameras, are you using a self contained camera such as the GoPro Hero & ATC3K or the cameras with a separate recording device, such as the 4Kam or POV1.5 systems?
- When using a "separates" system, would it be a problem (including for scrutineers) to mount the recording device behind the seat and the camera on the helmet? I assume some kind of link would be needed so that it would just pull out if the cable was ever put under tension?
- Has anyone tried the ContourHD camera? (http://www.contour-hd.co.uk) From the features it looks really great, particularly the ability to do SD @ 60 fps but I'm slightly concerned that the profile would be too big to have on the side of a helmet and would end up creating too much drag. What do people think?
Thanks for any help/advice you can give.