as parents all write a letter (or even better have a solicitor draft one) and send it to zip and the MSA stating that should our kids be injured due to being on the recieving end of a storm bumper, than we will take it in court for neglegence unless they can prove that the bumper does not breach safety and put the ball in there court? surely its down to them to prove that the bumper is safe, not us! crash testing bodywork is onething but testing two karts in a head on collision or angled collision is another.
how the MSA can say that it is on "us" the customer to prove it, is frightening? thats like buying a car and being told it might be safe to drive but we will not know until enough people crash to cause concern!
people are not going to change there nosecones until they are banned in fear that if they do and someone turns up and hasnt they will have a less adavntage.